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List of Areas of Responsibility of the LDSA

The comprehensive list of AORs (Areas of Responsibility) is:

Purpose of AORs

The purpose of defining Areas of Responsibility is so that when a task needs to get done:

  1. The task can be unambiguously assigned to someone;
  2. Someone is responsible for ensuring that the task is done;
  3. The task doesn’t end up in no-mans-land.

If we can control for these 3 factors, the enjoyment of volunteer work for the Academy should stay much higher. Remember, we don’t want tasks to be a source of stress so the process of distributing them and executing on them should have the smallest number of ambiguous steps as possible.

What exactly is an AOR?

An Area of Responsibility corresponds to a type of job that needs to be done in order for LDSA to achieve its mission. This kind of organization design is obviously not an exact science and there will always be tasks that don’t clearly fall into one Area. But we need to have a starting point and this is it!

Primary Enabler

Each AOR needs to have a face associated with it and this is the Primary Enabler!
This is a single person who is responsible for coming up and making sure that tasks that fall into their area get done. Not necessarily performing the tasks themselves! Although the Primary Enabler will execute many tasks that are in their area, you can and should delegate tasks by assigning people and due dates to the tasks.
You can see who the primary enabler is on the Member directory

Slack channel

This is where you have any discussions that are short-lived or quick questions.

Documentation sources

Right now we’re storing information in 3 different places:

Areas of Responsibility in detail

Each of the following is an area of responsibility with a brief description of the kinds of tasks.

Organization Administration




Marketing and Communications


The Partnerships team should ensure that any relationship that we have with other companies or organizations stay healthy and are in line with the LDSA Charter. You must also ensure that expectations for both organizations are in line and that it is a worthwhile experience.

Some specific tasks in this are are:

Quality Assurance

The core product of the Starters Academy is the educational material. Unexpected issues such as bugs in the code or an exercise that is unclear and is likely to cause lots of confusion cause significant problems because of the number of people involved. In past academies, we have lost many man-hours fixing learning units after they have been released to the students.

This area of responsibility is to ensure that no obvious mistakes make it into any learning material that is delivered to students. Less obvious things such as subtle mistakes in spelling or grammar or maybe even a contradiction of an earlier learning unit should be looked for but are not nearly as important to catch as bugs or totally incorrect questions.

Some specific tasks are:

Final Notes

If you have issues deciding where a task should go, feel free to contact the Executive Team directly! It is that person’s responsibility to make sure that everyone is happily contributing :-)